
Oh, I updated the background again. If you’ve ever searched for “raven” on Pintrest or tumblr, you’ve no doubt seen it. Therefore, finding its original artist has proven to be rather difficult. If anyone knows, hit the comment section.

Unsocial Media

I’ve spent the past week or two trying to find ways of getting out of social media, but not for the reasons that you may expect. I’m tired of having it being so inexorably tangled in my life. I’m tried of being under pressures that, frankly, I shouldn’t have allowed myself to fall prey to in the first place. In …

Bringing It Back

Yeah, I know it’s been a while since I’ve written anything. Truth be told, there’s been a lot of changes over the past couple of years and I’ve been extremely busy with them. But I miss writing. Good fucking GOD do I miss writing. So expect a bit more from me. There’s a lot to tell you about. What will …